Publications & Presentations
Bell, E., Maingo Ole, E., Raycraft, J., Fisher, J., Bone, C. & Alex Kisingo. Exploring human-wildlife coexistence in the Tarangire Ecosystem: a community-engaged socio-ecological study of human-wildlife dynamics using remote camera traps. [Presentation]. Society for Conservation Biology. Africa Congress for Conservation Biology (ACCB) 2024.
Bell, E., Raycraft, J., Fisher, J.T., Tremblay, C. & Bone, C. (2024). Exploring human-carnivore coexistence in the Tarangire Ecosystem: a community-engaged socio-ecological study of human-carnivore dynamics using remote camera traps. [Presentation Accepted - August 4-9th, 2024] Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2024.
Arthurs, E., Fisher, J. T., Bell, E., & Bone, C. (2024). Cougar spatiotemporal response to human activities in a multi‐use forest landscape on southern Vancouver Island. Wildlife Biology, e01308.
Bell, E. & Raycraft, J. (2023, August 8). Livelihoods and large carnivores: Identifying socio-ecological drivers of conflict dynamics in northern Tanzania to foster coexistence [Poster Presentation]. ESA Annual Meeting 2023.
Bell, E., Tremblay, C., Carodenuto, S., Downie, B., Dearden., P., Kileli, E. O. & McDougall, S. (2023) ('under review'). Indigenous knowledge-bridging to support ecological stewardship in Canada and Tanzania. People and Nature.
Bell, E., Fisher, J. T., Darimont, C., Hart, H., Bone, C. B. (2023). Influence of heterospecifics on mesocarnivore behaviour at shared scavenging opportunities in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Scientific Reports. DOI:
Bell, E. Bone, B. 2023, March 31. Impacts of recreational activities on an assemblage of large carnivores within a temperate forest ecosystem protected area. [Poster Presentation]. The Wildlife Society British Columbia Chapter and Canadian Section Joint Annual Conference. Victoria, BC.
Bell, E., Bone, C. B., Fisher, J. T. Darimont, C., Hart, H. (2021) Scavenging ecology of sympatric mustelids wolverine (Gulo gulo), American marten (Martes Americana), and short-tailed weasel (Mustela erminea) as a function of habitat character and competition dynamics in a montane boreal forest of Western Canada [Poster presentation]. The Wildlife Society 2021 Annual Conference.
Bell, E. (2021). How competition dynamics drive access to shared scavenging opportunities amongst a group of mesocarnivores in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta. [Master's Thesis, University of Victoria].